Our Lady Help of Christians is currently experiencing an exciting period of growth that has influenced a change the structure of our classes. We currently have 170 students across 7 classes.
Prep Green and Prep White
Early Years Green, Early Years White, Early Years Blue (Multi-age classes with Year 1 and Year 2 students in each class)
Middle Years Green and Middle Years White (Multi-age classes with Year 3 and Year 4 students in each class)
Enrolments for 2024 are open and we will again have two Prep classes. We are confident of continued growth through greater numbers in Prep each year to build towards approximately 230 students in 2026.
This growth, and change in class structures, is exciting for us as a school community. It gives the students more peers to develop friendships, teachers greater opportunities for collaboration in building professional practice and parents a wider group of fellow parents as well the comfort of knowing there are changing dynamics in student peer groups and student-teacher groupings each year.
Part of this growth will include building projects during this time. Our new Administration facility is now open in the re-furbished Lynch Hall. We are currently working with Architects and BCE Building Services to refine plans to convert our existing Administration building into three new Early Years classrooms.

If you would like to know more about the plans moving forward and how you can make a Tax Deductable donation towards the future of OLHC, please call or email the school to arrange a time to speak with our Principal, Adam Bennie.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Primary School (2022)